Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Water

A tall glass of warm water with lemon juice and cayenne firs thing in the morning on an empty stomach is one of my FAVORITE healthy habits, and it wasn't at all difficult to make a habit. Okay, I know it sounds weird. I was skeptical myself, but I have to say, I LOVE it!

There are a ton of benefits to this easy-to-incorporate habit. First, the obvious is that it's hydrating. It's a great way to "fill up your tank" so to speak and sort of wake everything up from your overnight fast. Lemon has astringent properties so it acts as a blood purifier and cleansing agent. Lemon is full of vitamin C which we all know boosts your immune system. It's a great diuretic so it can help you get rid of any excess water weight you might be carrying around. Although lemon is acidic, it actually has alkalodic affects on the body which is amazing because an acidic body environment is a breeding ground for disease. The cayenne will warm up your insides and stimulate your gut to produce hydrochloric acid, aiding in digestion and elimination. Don't worry if you don't like spicy. It's just a dash, not enough to make it hot. And even if you really just can't do the cayenne, there are still wonderful benefits to plain water with lemon. The benefits of this cleansing drink are too numerous to count! Personally, I've found that my salt cravings are greatly decreased throughout the day when I start out with this. Major bonus! This was an EASY habit to incorporate. What one small change can you make today to improve your overall health?


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