Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chewy Chocolate Superfood Energy Bars

Yes, I admit it. There was a time in my life when I was the sort to replace an entire meal with a so-called "energy bar" which was actually nothing more than some nasty soy protein isolate, fake sugar and processed genetically modified ingredients. In honesty, they didn't give me any energy at all. However when I ate those I was in "diet mode", a.k.a. state of constant deprivation, so eating a chocolate protein bar was like my treat. In retrospect, I realize that eating those nasty things were more of a punishment than a "treat". Now, I eat real food. I don't diet, and I don't use these tasty energy bars to replace a meal. I just eat them when I want them! What a concept! There is nothing fake, processed, or genetically about these bars! Just lots of healthy fats, energy-giving carbohydrates, satiety-providing protein,  and chocolatey deliciousness. Enjoy!

1 lb dates, soaked for 15-20 minutes in hot water (I used Medjool but feel free to use whatever kind is available to you)
1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked and dried
1/2 cup raw almonds, soaked and dried
1/4 cup hemp seeds (if you don't have hemp, you could use chia as well). 
1 tbsp raw cacao 
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
3 tbsp goji berries (if you don't have goji, you can use whatever dried fruit you have). 

Put your cashews and almonds in your food processor and pulse until the nuts are coarsely chopped. Dump the nuts into a seperate bowl.
After dates have soaked, remove the pits and place them in your food processor. Process until the dates are smooth. You'll have to stop and scrape down the sides a few times.
When the dates are smooth, add the ground buts back in. Also toss in the cacao, vanilla, hemp seeds, coconut oil and gogi berries. Pulse to combine.
Line an 8x8 baking dish with parchment paper for easy removal. Turn the mixture out into the dish. Wet your hands with warm water and push the mixture down into the pan so that it's in an even layer.
Refrigerate to let the bars harden for at least 30 minutes. When the bars have set, remove them from the pan by pulling up on the parchment paper.
From here, you can cut them into any shape you like. Store them in the fridge in an airtight container for up to a week. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello- is the measurement for the dates correct? I decided that it sounded like too much, so I only used 1 cup (4oz by weight) and the resulting "dough" is still quite soft. I have them in the freezer now, to see if I can get it to firm up.
